
This is my take on modifying the default vegetation from MSFS : (especially in VR ?) default trees are too high and the other mods I tried were not satisfying.
So I decided to create this modification for MSFS. Tell me how you like it !

Installation :
- Open .zip file and drag "yankeemike-world-shortertrees" to your Community folder

Details :
In the package, the vegetation is by default set as follows :

- Tree Height (Scale) : 60%
- Density                    : 200% (this helps the forest to stay dense with reduced tree heights, going over 200% doesn't seem to bring anymore benefit)
- City Density             : 25% (I have yet to experiment much with this but decided to default this to 25%. For those who fly around cities, tell me how it goes, I might revisit this setting when I get the chance to fly in a big city :D)
- Snap To Ground      : True (this should help the trees and bushes to stick to the ground instead of slightly floating in the air for some)

You will also find two other Presets :

- vegetation.H50_D200_C25 : Tree Height = 50%, Density = 200% and City Density = 25%
- vegetation.H75_D150_C25 : Tree Height = 75%, Density = 150% and City Density = 25%
Both presets have the option "Snap To Ground" enabled.

To install one of this preset, follows these steps :
- delete "vegetation" from the package folder
- copy/paste the "vegetation.HXX_DYYY_CZZ"
- rename the copied folder to "vegetation"

If you think you've bloated your vegetation, there is a backup of the default asobo files available under "vegetation.DEFAULTS" or simply remove/reinstall the package.

If you want to generate other presets, I also published the Powershell Script I created to resize the vegetation. 
You'll be able to change tree heights and vegetation density to your liking.
You can find it here : https://flightsim.to/file/6296T3/treeresizer