Original weekly flight schedule of Ryanair (RYR) of the period 30.01.2022 - 05.02.2022. Included are the flight schedules of 232 active aircraft with a total of 5,878 legs.

This download contains only the text files to include the offline AI traffic. Created this because with offline traffic I find the traffic at the airports the most realistic (planes stay at the gates until the next leg).

The file is only recommended for users with previous knowledge to include AI traffic files.

To create a bgl file you first have to copy the aircraft to be displayed from the aircraft.cfg (title) into the file "Aircraft_RYR_Ryanair_220130-220205".

AI-capable liveries can be found here on flightsim.to, AIG, or similar.
Afterwards the bgl file can be compiled with an AI Flightplaner program (e.g. AIFP).